Friday, May 23, 2014

Bananas for Bananas!

We all know bananas as a great source of potassium, or even as a catchy beat like Gwen Stefani's song Bananas. I was trying to be funny just then. No? Okay never mind. Any ways there is one thing I like to use bananas for. And that's (drum roll please) as a teeth whitener! Forget using your money to buy white strips. You have your own at home remedy for not so white teeth. 

The reasons bananas are so great for your teeth are due to the elements found inside them such as: potassium, magnesium, and manganese. Bananas also have a lot of calcium and vitamin D that make the teeth strong as well.

All you need to do is take the banana peel it and use the inside of the banana peel to rub against your teeth for about two minutes. Two minutes at the least. Afterwards brush your teeth normally with toothpaste. 

So if you need a quick fix all you need is a banana! I tried it and I loved the results I got and just the first time. Thumbs up! 

1 comment:

  1. This is very interesting... I wonder how much whiter you can make your teeth with just bananas. I must also inform you Gwen Stefani has no song called Bananas, I think you are speaking of Hollaback Girl. Other than that, your blog is a lot of fun and very useful!
